Mr.Freshell seafood paella series

This meal is only for you who love life!

Mr.Freshell seafood paella series of products by carefully prepared
Cooked with seafood ingredients and paired with soft golden rice
Microwave heating is all you need to enjoy the perfect meal of master chef anytime and anywhere
Convenient, delicious, balanced nutrition, just like your personal kitchen,
Is your healthy work and life of a good partner

Mr.Freshell ,From china,Soothe your restless taste buds

The greatest charm of Chinese cuisine lies in the ability to use common ingredients to create delicate flavors. As a gourmet food, fresh crustaceans have tasted all the delicacies of the northern border of southern China, but they still love seafood.

For thousands of years, seafood ingredients have been carefully selected and repeatedly practiced by many gourmets in China, gradually becoming a unique delicious system. In addition to the rich "umami" flavor, these seafood dishes are full of "Chinese style" and "human touch", bearing the life interest of the Chinese people for thousands of years.
Now, shell fresh living determined to "Chinese seafood" with a new attitude to show in the world, by the Chinese real estate seafood food, presented delicious, about China.

Mr.Freshell,The delicious taste throughout China

Come, look here, this is a leading role halo "seafood magic box", which has all you need "fresh taste", high-energy temptation, carefully open.
The story of Mr.Freshell

This is a series of seafood dishes designed and full of feelings.
Mr.Freshell is a seafood master, gourmet level food experts. Crustaceans think that seafood is popular with diners, but the fast pace of life does not give us so much time to cook, hence the idea of creating "ready-to-eat seafood".
After studying Chinese food map carefully,Mr.Freshell decided to make a perfect combination of spicy and seafood. Therefore, after thousands of experiments and attempts, "Mr.Freshell" magic box of spicy and instant seafood was born. With full Chinese flavor and confidence in national food culture, it entered the world food stage.

Mr.Freshellpaella series
Product name Picture Product specification
Clam Meat Rice Meal 440g/box
Hot & Spicy Clam Meat Rice Meal 440g/box
Squid Rice Meal 440g/box
Hot & Spicy Squid Rice Meal 440g/box
Razor Clam Meat Rice Meal 440g/box
Hot & Spicy Razor Clam Meat Rice Meal 440g/box
Scallop Rice Meal 440g/box
Hot & Spicy Scallop Rice Meal 440g/box
Hot & Spicy Fish Fillet Rice Meal 440g/box
Hot & Spicy Cymbium Rice Meal 440g/box
Hot & Spicy Shrimp Rice Meal 440g/box
Curry Crayfish Rice Meal 440g/box
Hot & Spicy Crayfish Rice Meal 440g/box
Garlic Crayfish Rice Meal 440g/box
Convenience is the only value

Who can have both delicious and convenient? Whoever has mastered the correct way to open the delicious food in China.

All the progress and development of intelligence, are to "convenient" as the ultimate goal, gourmet is the same.

Exquisite Chinese cuisine no matter the selection of materials, ingredients, and even the process of cooking, Chinese people like meticulous, like "kung fu", in other words, time determines quality. The quality of Chinese food comes largely from the cost of time. However, in today's fast-paced society, time is the biggest cost. Chinese cuisine seems to be a trade-off between convenience and delicacy.